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9 hours, Start: 08:30,09:00
Daily Tour
8 people
Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Português
Santiago de Compostela and Viana do Castelo full day tour with Lunch. Excursion to the historical and religious monuments of both cities. One of the most important Christian pilgrimage destinations in the world on this tour towards Santiago, we will start by visiting Viana do Castelo and its historic center, rich in culture and tradition.
After Viana do Castelo we will head to Santiago de Compostela (Spain), the capital of Galicia and one of the most important Christian pilgrimage destinations in the world.
Here we will visit the historical center, considered World Heritage Site and the famous Santiago Cathedral, which marks the end of the pilgrimage of the Camiños de Santiago”. Enjoy this city with us.
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